Game for Seduction

Game for Seduction - Bella Andre This is the second read of this series and I liked this book more than previous ones.

It was a fast-paced story and I enjoyed the romance between Dominic and Melissa. Even though most of the story covered with steamy parts and yeah, it did get me bored, but well, I couldn't deny that it was hot. I liked that Dominic is a keeper kind of guy. He just seemed unable to get away from Melissa and he wanted to make her of his own. He's just hot and possessive -- sounds sexy to me. Oh, I must mention this that he is so sweet. I'd die for a guy like Dom.

As for Melissa, I liked that she was strong to stand up for herself, dared to try something risky, and in love with the same man for sooo long. It's just wow. The only thing I was so pissed off with her was she refused to trust or even give a slightest chance to Dominic. I was like, "C'mon dammit, the guy confessed he loves you and he does!" Her whatever reason she used to deny Dominic's love was unreasonable to me. Yeah, HAHA.
