The Iron Queen (Harlequin Teen)

The Iron Queen - Julie Kagawa This book is just awesome, alright. I just couldn't stop flip each of the pages and eager to want what's happened next. Throughout the journey I'm reading this, it has been thrilled and I can guarantee you with loads of emotions mixed together. When I reached the cliffhanger, I was definitely, really freaking out and I had to read this one chapter all over again, slowly at time, afraid that I might miss something. Thank goodness, I didn't miss anything and I was right in the first place about this; Meghan will never leave, she never has (should've stop myself from reading reviews with spoilers before read the book firsthand). I thought she's gone for real. You see, I liked her. No, I loved her because she's brave, unselfish, loyal, faith and responsible. These attributes of her made me fond of her. One of the reason I managed to read until the end. If only things turned otherwise, I might torn.

Team Ash? Team Puck? Which one would I choose? Well, I chose both because I liked them both. One is cold and one is carefree. One is the boyfriend and one is the best friend. Both are important to Meghan. They're just unique and without them, this story wouldn't be that fascinating to read. And, Grimalkin, you really never fail to infuriate and stay interesting at the same time! Looking forward onto you soon.