Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic Series)

Confessions of a Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella I liked this book because this book is a chick-lit book, very suitable for readers like me. In addition, this book is funny because a lot of hilarious parts in it that of course, makes you laughed.
Rebecca Bloomwood is a shopaholic and honestly to say, when I read this book, the addiction to shopping is really freaked me out. I love shopping, alright but at least, I could handle myself. This Rebecca Bloomwood character is also a bit depressing though because of her addiction. She would even buy something that is not necessary. Well, that's a shopaholic character right? Buy anything they want even though they're on debt.
The very lovely thing in this book is that she's fell in love with Luke Brandon. I don't know how a guy like Luke Brandon could cope with a shopaholic lady but I guess, I should read the next book, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan.